
Podcast: We answer questions there wasn't time to answer during the webinar discussing recent findings from the part College-funded Northern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction (NICER) Study.

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Emma Bennett explores the link between a rise in screen time during the pandemic and increasing levels of myopia in children. 

The College has reviewed the evidence on the potential risks of using chloramphenicol POM eye drops for children less than 2 years old.

The College's position on the use of Chloramphenicol POM in paediatric populations.

Clinical files: Can you carry out a sight test without parental consent?

From refractive error to dashed career opportunities, Kim Thomas discusses the lifelong consequences of amblyopia.

Podcast: Martin discusses eye-related issues to look out for in newborns with Dr Gill Adams and Daniel speaks with Mental Health Counsellor, David Beeney.

Podcast: We ask Dr Rowan Candy questions there wasn't time to cover during her keynote lecture on young children who are at risk for strabismus and amblyopia.

There has been an update to the summary of product characteristics for the Prescription Only Medicine form of chloramphenicol 0.5% multi-dose eye drops.

Direct your patients to our brand new, easy to understand information on eye-related issues in new born babies. 

The College of Optometrists presented the prestigious Research Excellence Awards today as part of Optometry Tomorrow Bitesize 2021.