Medical retina

What complications does undiagnosed diabetes cause, and what is the role of optometrists in detecting and preventing this condition? Kathy Oxtoby reports.

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Here we summarise three research papers from a recent issue of Optometry in Practice.

Key facts about the effects of UV radiation (UVR) on the eye

When should you routinely recall diabetic patients?

Jo Waters asks what are the current grading charts optometrists can use, and how to make the most of them.

Podcast: In this episode of WebinarXtra, Daniel talks to Kate Powell MCOptom, who answers questions from her recent webinar on diabetic retinopathy.

Half of those with anterior uveitis carry the HLA-B27 antigen on their white blood cells. Kim Thomas explores the role this genetic association plays in eye disorders.

Ocular cancers are uncommon but serious. Thankfully, there are world-class specialist centres here in the UK. Carina Bailey looks into the service they provide.

A part of the ageing process or an indication of retinal tear or detachment? George Winter talks to experts about how patients presenting with flashes and floaters should be managed.

In each issue, Acuity poses a topical question on a tricky scenario to a panel of members.