17 August 2022

College publishes new guidance and evidence review on myopia management

We have reviewed the evidence available and produced new guidance to support the growing number of optometrists offering myopia management interventions.

Dr Paramdeep Bilkhu MCOptom DipTp(IP), Clinical Adviser at The College of Optometrists explains: "To make our position on myopia management clearer and offer guidance that’s easier for our members to use, we have now separated our recommendations from the evidence review. 

"Whether myopia is within your scope of practice or not, you should make sure that you have the relevant knowledge and can hold a discussion with patients and their parents about myopia, how it is treated (including the evidence) and the benefits and risks of myopia management. This will help them make an informed decision."

This guidance is for all optometrists providing eye care for children at risk of myopia or with progressing myopia.

Related further reading

The clinical figures that count.

Eye health issues that are making the news.

We speak with Aston University’s Emeritus Professor, and this year’s College of Optometrists President’s Medal winner.