OiP: MOLES algorithm - scoring system for managing patients with melanocytic choroidal tumours

Choroidal naevi can be difficult to distinguish from melanomas, which means that many patients with benign tumours are referred to hospital eye clinics while urgent treatment of those with melanoma is delayed. In this episode of the College's podcast, Optometry in Practice Editorial Board member, Dr Lindsay Rountree MCOptom talks to Professor Bertil Damato PhD FRCOphth FCOptom about a scoring system to estimate the likelihood of malignancy, and how to manage patients accordingly.

Professor Damato is a Senior Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Oxford and Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist at Oxford Eye Hospital. He was awarded Honorary Fellowship of the College in 2010 in recognition of his outstanding contribution to ocular oncology. Dr Rountree is Lecturer in Optometry at the University of Bradford.

Play season two, episode 23