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Docet webinar: Dementia and Optometry - Research and Practice

Domains covered
Communication Clinical practice

CPD Ref: C-109897

This live webinar offers up-to-date research from Dr Rakhee Shah FCOptom, as well as clinical guidance from Mr Simon Raw MCOptom for adapting an eye examination to suit the needs of a patient with dementia. Strategies to help the patient feel safe and comfortable will be explored, ultimately making the eye examination easier and more successful for all involved.


About the webinar

All optometrists face the challenges, which can arise when examining a patient with dementia. In this one-hour webinar, funded by Docet and managed by The College of Optometrists, Dr Rakhee Shah FCOptom will introduce the subject of dementia and its relevance to us as optometrists. She will provide an overview on the different types of dementia and briefly highlight findings from the PrOVIDe study, which are of particular relevance to practising optometrists.

Simon Raw MCOptom will offer practical tips for testing patients with dementia. He will explore how to communicate with patients to get the best from history and symptoms. He will discuss how to change the sight test routine to help a patient with dementia and how to dispense to reduce the risk of falls and confusion. He will reference the Mental Capacity Act 2005 as he reviews gaining consent and acting in the best interest of your patient.

Question and Answer session
At the end of the webinar, speakers will answer some of the live questions raised during the talk.

You will be able to claim one interactive CPD point after attending this live session.

Domains and learning outcomes


s.2 Communicate effectively with patients

  • Understand how best to communicate with patients with dementia

s.3 Obtain valid consent

  • Understand the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and how it applies to gaining consent from patients with dementia

s.1 Listen to patients and ensure they are at the heart of decisions made about their care

  • Understand how to act in the best interests of a patient with dementia

Clinical Practice

s.5 Keep your knowledge and skills up to date

  • Understand the different types of dementia and their relevance to optometrists
  • Understand the findings of dementia research

s.7 Conduct appropriate assessments, examinations, treatments and referrals

  • Understand how to adapt the examination and management of a patient with dementia
It’s made me more interested in keratoconus and its treatment pathways. Corneal dystrophy has always been weak in my knowledge and it has provided me with an incentive to learn and research more into the conditions.
Attendee, Docet webinar ‘Common Corneal Conditions: What every optometrist needs to know!’


Dr Rakhee Shah PhD FCOptom DipTp(IP)

Dr Rakhee Shah is an optometrist with experience in optometric research, education, and clinical practice. She has worked across independent practices, multiples, and domiciliary care.

Rakhee earned a PhD in Clinical Optometry in 2009, a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in 2017, and an MA in Academic Practice in 2019. She completed The College of Optometrists' Independent Prescribing qualification in 2022 and gained Fellowship (by portfolio) in 2023.

Her key interests include evidence-based optometry, dementia, paediatric optometry, and myopia.

Simon Raw BSc MCOptom Prof Cert Glauc

In 2007, Simon Raw became a full-time domiciliary optometrist with the Outside Clinic and now leads CPD and university partnerships for the company.

He qualified from UMIST in 1999 and began practising in a multiple on the high street. In 2003, he moved to New Zealand to work for OPSM in Christchurch. Simon is a guest lecturer at 13 universities, focusing on Domiciliary Optometry and Elderly Care, and contributed to The College of Optometrists' ProVIDe Study in 2016.

A former Chair and current Treasurer of the North East Optical Society (NEOS), Simon also serves as an AOP Councillor for North East England.

Terms & conditions

  • To attend this webinar you must be a GOC registered optometrist practising in England, Wales or Northern Ireland
  • To obtain your interactive CPD point you must ensure the following standards are met:
    • a minimum attendance of 50 minutes
    • complete a minimum of 4 out of 6 polls

Optometrists who are only practising in Scotland, students and pre-registration trainees are not eligible to attend this webinar. 

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