Equality and diversity
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation.
You must take all reasonable steps to meet a patient’s language and communication needs. You should be aware of translation services available (remote and face –to face). You should ensure there is a suitably qualified medical translator who can ensure effective communication with your patient, when it can be accommodated as a reasonable adjustment.
292 In England, s.2A of Schedule 1 of the General Ophthalmic Services Contracts Regulations 2008 (as amended by the NHS (Miscellaneous Amendments Relating to Ophthalmic Services) Regulations 2010 ) says:
“(1) Where the contractor has agreed to provide services to a patient, it must notify the patient (or, in the case of a child or incapable adult, the person who made the application on their behalf) of the patient’s right to express a preference to receive services from a particular performer where more than one performer is available.
(2) The contractor must try to comply with any reasonable preference expressed under subparagraph (1) but need not do so if the preferred performer has reasonable grounds for refusing to provide services to the patient.”
293 Except if the reason for refusal was because the patient was not eligible for GOS services or because a sight test was not clinically necessary.