30 September 2020

Lissamine green – where have we been and where are we now?

In our latest Optometry in Practice podcast, we look at the history and importance of lissamine green.

“Lissamine green has been shown to be better than sodium fluorescein in showing up conjunctival staining…lissamine green is a very important in anterior eye assessment, especially with regard to dry eye.”

Until March 2020, the legality of lissamine green for use by eye care practitioners in the UK was unclear. In our latest podcast, we talk to Claire McDonnell, one of the authors of a recent Optometry in Practice paper on the use of lissamine green. 

Claire discusses the importance of lissamine green as part of an anterior eye assessment, and the historical issues affecting its availability. She also talks about conjunctival staining compared to corneal staining, the availability of new stains, and lissamine green’s application when also using sodium fluorescein.

Listen to the podcast now

Read the Optometry in Practice article on lissamine green and earn one non-interactive CET point.