22 September 2021

GOC's consultation on service of statutory notices by email

We have responded to the GOC's consultation on whether, in some circumstances, it would be more appropriate to use email rather than post to deliver statutory notices.


The GOC have considered whether in some circumstances it would be more appropriate to use email rather than post in order to send statutory notices. They have developed a policy setting out safeguards to ensure fairness to registrants. The College support this policy as it considers serving notices by email only where the individual/registrant has consented in writing and provided an email address for this purpose.

Our response

To what extent do you agree with the content of the policy?


Is there anything unclear or missing in the policy?


Paragraph 5.4.2. – Although we understand that electronic checks are available to the Registration team when sending bulk emails, delivery notifications are not always systematic and reliable. We would suggest adding, at the very least, a read receipt notification to confirm effective delivery.

Are there any aspects of the policy that could discriminate against stakeholders with specific characteristics? (Please consider age, sex, race, religion or belief, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, caring responsibilities or any other characteristics.)


Are there any aspects of the policy that could have a positive impact on stakeholders with specific characteristics? (Please consider age, sex, race, religion or belief, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, caring responsibilities or any other characteristics.)


Are there any other impacts (including financial) of the policy that you would like to tell us about?



Submitted: September 2021

Related further reading

How should you market your business while avoiding outlandish claims and falling foul of the Advertising Standards Authority? Juliette Astrup reports.

Which elements are key to the process of shared decision-making between clinician and patient? Georgina Wintersgill reports.

Léa Surugue looks at the costly and debilitating effects of migraine, and how better classification can protect patients’ health.