Evidence-based recommendations for various aspects of anterior eye and contact lens clinical practice (BUCCLE)
About the session
CPD ref: C-108392
This session will detail evidence-based recommendations for various aspects of anterior eye and contact lens clinical practice. This includes discussion on:
- Recent update on the guidelines of contact lens aftercare, how often and how many follow up, check, refit or teaching sessions are adequate for a successful contact lens practice. A global trend on current contact lens aftercare practices will be discussed.
- The session will also detail the recent evidence on the best method of lissamine green staining. The best viewing time after instillation and the possibility to co-assess with fluorescein staining will be discussed.
- Further discussion will be on the basics of the best method of contact lens application and removal. The discussion will also include recent findings on alternative method of applications; their advantages and disadvantages.
- The last discussion will be based on the latest development of artificial intelligence and chatbot which can support anterior eye and contact lens practitioner in a clinical setting.
Target Audience
- Optometrist
- Contact Lens Optician
- Dispensing Optician
Domains and learning outcomes
Clinical practice
5.3 Be aware of current good practice and research developments in the area of contact lens fitting and consider how you may apply this knowledge in your clinical practice and manage your patients.
7.2 Provide or arrange any further examinations, advice, investigations or treatment if required for your contact lens patient. This should be done in a timescale that does not compromise patient safety and care.
2.1 The ability to give patients information about contact lens care and aftercare in a way they can understand. Use your professional judgement to adapt your language and communication approach as appropriate.
Specialty CPD - contact lens optician
Consider how you can use this updated, evidence-based research to improve the care of your contact lens patients

Dr Debarun Dutta FBCLA MCOptom

Dr Debarun Dutta is a tenured lecturer at the School of Optometry, Aston University, Birmingham and a council member of BCLA. He is responsible for both excellence in research and teaching of optometry. His particular area of interest is contact lenses, eye infections, antimicrobial strategies, ocular surface and dry eye.
After completing graduation in optometry, Dr Dutta completed PhD from Brien Holden Vision Institute, Sydney and then joined the School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of NSW where he worked at various capacities including as a postdoctoral research fellow and associate lecturer. Dr Dutta received various awards and grants globally, and currently leads a clinical research team including fellows, PhDs and professional doctorate candidates.
He is a fellow of BCLA, fellow of American Academy of Optometry, and fellow of higher education academy, UK.

Dean Dunning FBCLA

Dr Neema Ghorbani Mojarrad BSc FBCLA MCOptom Prof Cert Glauc Prof Cert LV

Neema is an Assistant Professor at the University of Bradford. He is the Vice Chair of the British and Irish University and College Contact Lens Educators (BUCCLE), which promotes collaboration and dissemination of evidence-based contact lens knowledge. He is the vice-chair of BUCCLE, an associate editor of BMJ Open Ophthalmology, and holds fellowships for both the BCLA and IACLE.
His research interests include myopia management, contact lenses, and anterior eye. He has won the 2015 Association of Optometrists Newly Qualified Optometrist of the Year award, the 2021 VDCO Peter Abel research prize, and The College of Optometrists 2022 George Giles prize.

Dr Marta Vianya-Estopa FBCLA