Where do you see yourself in X years time? Career planning in eye care
About the session
CPD ref: C-108319
Having a career plan can give a stronger sense of direction, reduce stress, increase your perceived employability and help you connect more deeply with your purpose. This session will stimulate consideration of the forces of change around you, reflecting on existing skills and motivation, to help identify what is needed to achieve a range of future professional goals.
Target audience
- Optometrist
- Dispensing optician.
Domains and learning outcomes
Clinical practice
s.5 Keep your knowledge and skills up to date.
Able to take deliberate action to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date while advancing their credentials
s.6 Recognise and work within your limits of competence
Able to navigate personal professional development planning, to ensure they recognise and work within the limits of their competence
s.10 Work collaboratively with colleagues in the interests of patients
- Able to develop strategies to enhance collaborative interprofessional working with their practice based team and other healthcare workers in the interests of patients

Jay Varia BSc(Hons) MCOptom DipTp(IP) Prof Cert Glauc

Jay graduated from the University of Wales, College of Cardiff and qualified as an optometrist in 2001 after completing her pre-registration year in independent practice. After a period in working within the multiple sector, she joined a specialist independent practice in 2003 and was involved in diabetic shared care, community minor injury schemes, myopia control and orthokeratology clinics as well as carrying out regular eye examinations and contact lens consultations, which she continued until 2018.

Kiki Soteri MSc MCOptom DipTp(IP) Prof Cert Glauc Prof Cert Med Ret

Kiki's career spans more than 25 years, across hospital, community and academic practice, committed to lifelong learning and completing relevant postgraduate qualifications.
In 2011 she helped to launch the first optometry degree programme at Plymouth University, where for the next five years she led optometry admissions, teaching and assessing a range of clinical modules including clinical case management via problem-based learning.
For the past seven years she has held leadership roles within multiple organisations. She is a committed advocate for advancing practice and postgraduate development, and she continues to coach and mentor colleagues at all stages of their career journeys.