
Ethical scenarios

Should you examine young patients without a parent or carer present?

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Jane Veys MCOptom on acronym ambivalence

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Clinical files: Is a child who is not a resident of the UK eligible for an NHS-funded sight test?

More on examining children

Podcast: We ask Dr Rowan Candy questions there wasn't time to cover during her keynote lecture on young children who are at risk for strabismus and amblyopia.

There has been an update to the summary of product characteristics for the Prescription Only Medicine form of chloramphenicol 0.5% multi-dose eye drops.

Direct your patients to our brand new, easy to understand information on eye-related issues in new born babies. 

The College of Optometrists presented the prestigious Research Excellence Awards today as part of Optometry Tomorrow Bitesize 2021.

CCEHC makes recommendations for children who have missed out on vision screening due to COVID-19.

Should you examine young patients without a parent or carer present?

How much information should you disclose to young patients and their parents?

A young patient's mother is insistent that he doesn't need spectacles but, in your opinion he should be wearing them. What should you do?

Should you re-examine a HES patient who has broken her specs?

What would you do when asked to divulge information about a child patient?

Take part in our research on childhood myopia and inform future decisions on myopia management.