Low vision

Charles Bonnet syndrome is typically associated with elderly patients but new research shows children are not immune either. Helen Gilbert investigates.

Podcast: Martin and Daniel bring you a fascinating conversation with Judith Potts, Founder of Esme's Umbrella, and Nina Chesworth who lives with Charles Bonnet Syndrome.

The first ever completely blurred film, Focus on Life is launched today to highlight the national issue of our worsening eyesight and its impact on our lives.

Join us for our upcoming campaign where we will be highlighting the importance of good vision, eye health, and helping the public to #FocusOnLife.

Clinical files: Can my visually impaired patient get TV licence support?

In the September issue of Optometry in Practice, we discuss the importance of establishing a new framework for eye care in special schools

This article provides optometrists with a framework to meet the eye care needs of children with significant learning disabilities.

With nominations deadline for the Research Excellence Awards fast approaching, we’re talking to previous winners about the outstanding research happening in optometry, optics and vision science.

Consultant Ophthalmologist Damian Lake looks at the history of corneal collagen cross-linking in treating keratoconus, the current indications for its use, and the most up-to-date refinements to the procedure.

The clinical figures that count.

Podcast: Optometrist and researcher Jasleen Kaur Jolly MCOptom talks to Martin about how she got into research, imposter syndrome, how gene therapy works, which conditions are closer to being treated with gene therapy and what that means for optometrists, as well as the brain and the eye.

This article uses case studies to appraise low-vision service provision and how it can be enhanced by a multidisciplinary approach.