Eye examination terms
AC | Anterior chamber | L/R | L hyperphoria |
AC 4/4 | grade 4 Anterior chamber angle | LSOT | Left esotropia |
AC 3/4 | grade 3 Anterior chamber angle | LVA | Low vision aid |
AC 2/4 | grade 2 Anterior chamber angle | MDU | Mallett distance unit |
AC 1/4 | grade 1 Anterior chamber angle | MNU | Mallett near unit |
AC 0/4 | grade 0 Anterior chamber angle (closed) | M.Wing | Maddox Wing |
AC/A | Accommodative convergence/ accommodation ratio | MR | Maddox Rod |
Acc | Accommodation | NCT | Non-contact tonometer |
Ad | Advised | ND | Neutral density filter |
Add | Addition | NPL | No perception of light |
AIT | After-image transfer | NPC | Near point of convergence or no previous correction |
ALT | Alternating | NRC | Normal retinal correspondence |
ALT SOT | Alternating esotropia | NV | Near vision |
ALT XOT | Alternating exotropia | NWT | Normal wearing time |
ARC | Anomalous retinal correspondence | o symptoms | Zero symptoms |
A/V | Arteriole/Venue ratio | ϕ | Horizontal orthophoria |
BE | Both eyes | θ | Vertical orthophoria |
BIO | Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy | ⊕ | Horizontal & vertical orthophoria |
BSV | Binocular single vision | OCs | Optical centres |
BV | Binocular vision | Occ. | Occupation |
BVD | Back vertex distance | OH | Ocular history |
BVP | Back vertex power | OMB | Oculo motor or muscle balance |
CD | Centration distance | ONH | Optic nerve head |
C/D | Cup/disc ratio | Oph | Ophthalmoscopy |
CF | Count fingers vision – state distance | PD | Pupillary distance |
CT | Cover test | PERRLA | Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation |
CCT | Central corneal thickness | Sx | Symptoms |
c/u | Check-up | PH | Pinhole |
CW | Close work | PL | Perception of light |
Δ | Prism dioptre | POH | Previous ocular history |
D | Dioptres | PPA | Peripapillary atrophy |
DC | Dioptres cylinder | Px | Patient |
DNA | Did not attend | RAPD | Relative afferent pupillary defect |
DOB | Date of birth | RE | Right eye |
DS | Dioptres sphere | Ret. | Retinoscopy |
DV | Distance vision | RHyperT | Right Hypertropia |
DVD | Dissociated vertical divergence | RHypoT | Right Hypotropia |
EF | Eccentric fixation | RNFL | Retinal nerve fibre layer |
Ext | External (eye) | RPE | Retinal pigment epithelium |
FB | Foreign body | RSOT | Right Esotropia |
FD | Fixation disparity | Rx | Prescription |
FF | Foveal fixation | SLE | Slit lamp examination |
FOH | Family ocular history | SLM | Slit lamp microscope |
F/U | Follow up appointment | SOP/ESOP | Esophoria |
GH | General health | SOT/ESOT | Esotropia |
G(M)P | General (medical) practitioner | Supp. | Suppression |
HA | Headaches | V | Vision (unaided) |
HARC | Harmonious abnormal retinal correspondence | VA | Visual acuity (corrected) |
HM | Hand motion vision – state distance | VAL | Left visual acuity |
Hx | History | VAR | Right visual acuity |
IOL | Intra-ocular lens implant | VDU | Visual display unit |
IOP | Intra-ocular pressure | VF | Visual field |
ISNT | Inferior, Superior, Nasal, Temporal (rule used to assess optic disc appearance) | VPS | Variable prism stereoscope |
K | Keratometry | WD | Working distance |
LE | Left eye | X/12 | X months |
LHyperT | Left hypertropia | X/52 | X weeks |
LHypoT | Left hypotropia | X/7 | X days |
LOs | Lenticular opacities | XOP/EXOP | Exophoria |
L/R FD | L/R fixation disparity | XOT/EXOT | Exotropia |
NB: NAD (no abnormality detected) is frequently used but is not recommended