Further comments:
1.9: Some optometrists do not have immediate access to a patient’s previous eye care or medical records to understand the patient’s full medical and eye care history as most eye conditions that require therapeutic intervention are acute. Thus while they may become “available” after consent obtained, this may not be immediate or accessible to provide appropriate care in that consultation. Some clarity would be useful to reassure prescribers – suggested change: “Where possible, accesses and interprets all available and relevant patient records to ensure knowledge of the patient’s management to date.”
1.13: A particular prescriber may not be competent to review adherence or determine the effectiveness of all the patient’s medications, as they may be prescribed by another professional of different healthcare discipline and/or outside of the scope of their practice. Suggested change: “Where appropriate, reviews adherence to and effectiveness of current medicines.”
3.4: Adherence is a very useful term to assess compliance with taking a medication, but it may imply a paternalistic approach where the prescriber expects a treatment regimen to be followed without reference to the patient. Thus, the term “concordance” may be more helpful as it reflects the agreement between the prescriber and patient to follow a treatment plan in order to make the best use of the medication and improve compliance. This reflects a more patient centred approach where prescribers work alongside their patients in partnership to improve healthcare outcomes.
4.11: An “off-label” medicine should be prescribed with the same caveat as for “unlicensed” medicines; such that the prescriber must be satisfied that an alternative licensed medicine would not meet the patient’s needs.
4.14: Should include reference to ensuring appropriate consent to sharing patient information for the purposes of direct care. Although explicit consent is not required for these purposes, the prescriber must ensure it is valid. Sharing of data/patient information must also comply with GDPR legislation, so must be secure with information governance procedures in place.