27 September 2022

Patients needed for focus group on myopia

The University of Bradford is running a focus group on 4 October for parents and children affected by myopia.

Do you have child patients who are affected by myopia, or whose parents are worried they may become myopic in the future? The University of Bradford want to hear their views on the condition and the new ways it can be managed.

The university is running an online focus group on Tuesday 4 October 6:30-8:30pm, which will give patients information about what myopia is, why it happens, and what can be done to slow its progression. Those who are interested in taking part can register their interest online.

If you have any questions, or if you have patients who are interested but cannot attend this date, please ask them to email myopia-research@bradford.ac.uk and they will be contacted for future meetings.

Find out more

For more information about short-sightedness (myopia) please direct patients to our Look After Your Eyes website.

Related further reading

Becky McCall analyses the evidence that working distance increases the risk of myopia in children, and the escalation of time spent on screens is related to the surging incidence of myopia around the world.

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