NES has informed all affected optometrists with the following message:
"As you will be aware, the current funding position facing NHS Scotland is extremely challenging. As a national health board NHS Education for Scotland must play its part in delivering efficiencies across the health and social care system and as a result, we have had to make some very difficult decisions, impacting several of our programmes.
In this context, the NES Executive Team, approved by our Board, have made the decision to cease our contribution to Docet. As a consequence, those practitioners only working in Scotland will not be able to access Docet learning after 30 September 2024.
May we take this opportunity to direct you to the NHS Scotland Adult and Child protection modules, on Turas learn, which will support you meeting your professional requirement in this area, despite loss of access to equivalent resources on DOCET.
NES continues to work hard to support you, and the Optometry team will continue to advertise our resources and CPD opportunities regularly.”