Career profile: Elaine Styles

30 November 2018
Autumn 2018

The optometrist who set up an eye care charity for homeless people.

Elaine Styles FCOptom

Current job?
Independent practitioner

Private practice, Vision Care for Homeless People

Describe your current role…
I spend most of my week in an independent practice in Kensington, where I have been for 25 years. It is a fantastic place to work: I have the clinical freedom to practise in the way I want, and access to amazing equipment. I also work at Moorfields in the contact lens clinic one day a week. The rest of the time I work in a voluntary capacity for Vision Care for Homeless People, a charity I helped set up 15 years ago.

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Related further reading

As the schools break up for the summer holidays, and many look forward to spending more time outside in the sunshine, the College has issued tips to support the public in protecting their eyes from the sun.

The standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services will transform efficiencies, accessibility and timely care of patients.

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