Tech news - summer 2023

2 August 2023
Summer 2023

A glance at what’s happening in the world of technology.

© Science-Corporation

Does this bionic eye offer a vision of the future?

A prosthetic eye has been developed that aims to augment a blind eye with high-powered, pixel-producing technology.

In a preprint study, yet to be peer reviewed, researchers at US-based Science Corporation describe “a novel optogenetic visual prosthesis (FlexLED) based on a combination of a thin-film retinal display and optogenetic activation of retinal ganglion cells”.

It goes on: “The display is affixed to the retinal surface, and the electronics package is mounted under the conjunctiva in the form factor of a conventional glaucoma drainage implant.”

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Related further reading

The College and Eye Research Group Oxford are collaborating to bring you a webinar on Monday 24 June, on how optometrists can get involved in research.

As the schools break up for the summer holidays, and many look forward to spending more time outside in the sunshine, the College has issued tips to support the public in protecting their eyes from the sun.

The standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services will transform efficiencies, accessibility and timely care of patients.