Case study - Early Years Inter Professional Education (IPE) at the University of Manchester

Title of case study/example of best practice:Early Years Inter Professional Education (IPE) at the University of Manchester
Lead Author(s):Christine Furber and University of Manchester Interdisciplinary Team 
University:University of Manchester
Lead Author email
Details of the activity undertaken
Each year first year students from across the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health are invited to a workshop where they follow the journey of a patient who is pregnant. Students are grouped to ensure a mix of healthcare disciplines. A key learning outcome for the activity is to understand the role of each profession in the journey. Students are guided through a series of discussions where they map these roles and responsibilities. They are encouraged to consider the expertise of each profession and effective means of communication between them. The session ends with some examples of the harm that can occur if the team of professionals looking after a patient is not communicating well and a discussion around the benefits of inter professional working.
Impact of the activity

The workshop can be delivered either face-to-face or online using zoom. The workshop was transferred online during the COVID pandemic and this runs more smoothly than face-to-face delivery. Nearpod is used to generate interdisciplinary discussions using collaboration boards and break out rooms.  

The workshop evaluations are positive and a pre- and post-workshop evaluation demonstrates increases in understanding of working collaboratively across health professional groups. Further, open text comments indicate that learners developed their understanding of the range of disciplines involved and importance of team working. Some examples include: 

  • I was able to see which roles everyone has and how essential it is for all healthcare professionals to communicate. 
  • Understanding other roles of health workers and their interaction 
  • Learn about other disciplines what they bring to the healthcare profession and how to work together. 
This case study relates to the following GOC outcomes:

Outcome 1. Person Centred Care ☐

Outcome 2. Communication ☐

Outcome 3. Clinical Care ☐

Outcome 4. Ethics and Standards ☐

Outcome 5. Risk ☐

Outcome 6. Leadership and Management ☒ Outcome O6.2

Outcome 7. Lifelong Learning ☐           

Scaffolding/Student experience & engagement ☐