Case study - Key principles in delivering eye care education online

Title of case study/example of best practice:Key principles in delivering eye care education online
Lead Author(s):Dr Michelle L Hennelly
Co-authors:Dr Irene Ctori
University:City, University of London
 Lead Author email 
Details of the activity undertaken

This work relates to UG/PG learning within the context of eyecare.  The case study focuses on issues such as student engagement/online assessment and how to build a sense of community online:

Communication is an essential tenet of delivering online education and enhancing interpersonal interactions is the top factor determining students’ grades (Jaggers and Xu, 2016).  A useful strategy to familiarise students to the online learning environment and to their peers, is to conduct an introductory session.  Details regarding netiquette are useful and clear information about expectations/assignments should be made from the beginning.  This type of session can also lay the foundation to building a sense of community amongst your students.  Student engagement with this type of session increases student satisfaction, enhances student motivation to learn, reduces the sense of isolation, and improves student performance (Martin and Bollinger 2018, Halverson and Graham 2019).  A good degree of interaction can sometimes be a challenge though; a resistance to participate visually online either due to personal preference or a reluctance to show background environment can inhibit the learning experience. 

Impact of the activity
Help institutions consider good pedagogical practice in order to maximise student learning and experience using hybrid learning.
This case study relates to the following GOC outcomes:

Outcome 1. Person Centred Care ☐

Outcome 2. Communication ☒

Outcome 3. Clinical Care ☐

Outcome 4. Ethics and Standards ☐

Outcome 5. Risk ☐

Outcome 6. Leadership and Management ☐

Outcome 7. Lifelong Learning ☐         

Scaffolding/Student experience & engagement ☐