Case study - Introduction to EBP

Title of case study/example of best practice:Introduction to EBP
Lead Author(s):Dr Catherine Suttle 
Co-authors: Irene Ctori and Michelle Hennelly
University:City, University of London
Lead Author email address: 
Details of the activity undertaken

Year 1 Optometry students are given a series of lectures on evidence-based practice (EBP). During the accompanying lab/tutorial sessions and during independent study time students work towards creating a brief report based on EBP that includes a description of the process followed and the findings. The following EBP steps are covered in this piece of work:

  • Ask (frame a question), and
  • Acquire (find information related to the question)

The report forms the basis of a VIVA in which students are asked questions based on these first two steps of the EBP process. 

Impact of the activity
This was an area that students had little experience of and the External Examiners commented that introducing this activity in Year 1 was of great benefit to the students in their development as thinking practitioners.
This case study relates to the following GOC outcomes:

Outcome 1. Person Centred Care ☐

Outcome 2. Communication ☐

Outcome 3. Clinical Care ☐

Outcome 4. Ethics and Standards ☐

Outcome 5. Risk ☐

Outcome 6. Leadership and Management ☒ Outcome O6.2

Outcome 7. Lifelong Learning ☐           

Scaffolding/Student experience & engagement ☐