This teaching activity can be broken down for discussion in class/seminars to assess knowledge, peer discussion and critical thinking.
Peter’s consultant at the hospital recommended surgery to remove cataracts that were affecting his vision. Peter is 64 years old and has a mild learning disability. He was able to fully understand the consultant’s explanation of the procedure. After receiving information about the cataract surgery, he recognised the potential benefits, risks and side effects of the treatment.
Question for small group discussion: What are your initial thoughts on this situation and how Peter will progress?
Add further information and then put out for small group discussion again.
Peter chose to decline the surgery; he explained that he was happy with his current quality of life and felt the procedure was unnecessary for him.
Additional commentary to be given as discussions progress: Although the community nurse believed that the surgery would improve his condition and thought it should go ahead, Peter’s decision was respected.
When an individual can fully grasp the nature of a treatment and its possible outcomes, their choice must be honoured, even if a healthcare professional disagrees.
When closing discussions: It is also essential to acknowledge that Peter may reconsider his decision at any point. If he chooses later to undergo the surgery, that decision should also be respected. Meanwhile, Peter should continue to receive regular monitoring and support, which should be made available to him.