How would you deal with an abusive patient?

28 October 2020
Autumn 2020

In each issue, Acuity poses a topical question to a panel of members.

Richard Edwards MCOptom

Clinical Consultant to Optical Consumer Complaints Service (OCCS)

The OCCS AERO model is my touchstone.

  • Apologise: an authentic apology is the first step in rebuilding trust as a foundation upon which we can build a resolution.
  • Explain: be honest and candid and, if appropriate, outline the steps you have taken to prevent recurrence.
  • Reassure: whether that is about steps we have taken to prevent recurrence or that the situation will bring no lasting harm or damage, we must do this in a caring empathetic and jargon-free way.
  • Own it: take personal accountability for resolving the issue – this is a great way to de-escalate an emotional situation.

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