Career profile: Shamina Asif MCOptom

8 May 2019
Spring 2019

This businesswoman, teacher and examiner is an advocate for higher qualifications and embracing technological changes in optometry.

Shamina Asif MCOptom

Current job? 
Self-employed optometrist

West Midlands

Can you describe your current roles?
I am a self-employed optometrist and currently Chair of Dudley local optical committee (LOC), College Council member, founder of Optom Academy, examiner for the Wales Optometry Postgraduate Education Centre (WOPEC) and member of the Eyecare Advisory Group, which advises the planners of the Eyecare Conference in Scotland on topics, speakers and CET.

What influenced your choice in pursuing this career path? 
During my pre-registration year I started to attend LOC meetings and quickly became interested in local optical matters. My fellow committee members encouraged me and, at the age of 27, I became Chair of Dudley LOC. As my confidence increased, I put myself forward for election to the College Council to help deal with the concerns of optometrists more effectively. I felt that I was engaging well with the younger workforce, and my passion for teaching led me to set up my business to teach and tutor pre-registration students.

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Related further reading

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