Attitudes, ambitions and aspirations of first-year optometry students

2 July 2018
Volume 19, Issue 1

The purpose of this study sought to establish early professional attitudes, ambitions and aspirations of individuals who chose optometry as a career and were in their first year of optometric education at a US college of optometry.


Studies on the reason for selecting a particular health profession have been completed in other countries for dental and medical schools but not yet for optometry in the USA (Karibe et al. 2009; Pruthi et al. 2013). There have been numerous surveys and studies completed for reasons why a medical student chooses a residency or specialty, but again, this has not yet been explored in optometry (Mirvis 2013; Saigal et al. 2007; Taggart et al. 1987). As the scope of optometry has expanded through the years, many optometrists choose to focus on a field of particular interest to them. The need for a postdoctorate training as a resident or fellow has increased. For instance, many colleges of optometry and hospitals have a preference in hiring clinicians who have completed such additional clinical training (Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry 2018).

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