The contact lens management of congenital and infantile cataract

1 February 2002
Volume 03, Issue 1

This OiP article looks at fitting contact lenses to treat children with a variety of conditions.


Contact lenses are a very valuable treatment modality for infants and children with a variety of eye problems. Infants are defined as being less than five years of age in this paper. They generally require quite a different procedure for contact lens fitting and management than for older children and adults. 

The biggest difference between the use of contact lenses in young children and adults is in the treatment of amblyopia. Many infants who are fitted with contact lenses, particularly those being treated for cataracts or anisometropia, require concurrent treatment for amblyopia. The fitting and use of contact lenses for older children is similar to adults in terms of indications for fitting, configuration of the eye and techniques of lens handling and fitting. However, patient maturity and the psychological effects of lens wear are also important factors to consider. 

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Related further reading

Find out how to ensure you provide your patients with the best contact lens wearing experience.

Find out how to ensure you provide your patients with the best contact lens wearing experience.

Find out how to ensure you provide your patients with the best contact lens wearing experience.