Complete issue, OiP, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2004, various authors

1 October 2004
Volume 05, Issue 4

Subjects covered include, RGP lens fitting, the role of nutrition in cataract development, light sources for colour vision examination, the supervisor and trainee working relationship, the +1.00 blur test.


Articles: 1) Respecting the Shape of the Cornea in RGP Lens Fitting (by E van der Worp). 2) The Role of Nutrition in Cataract Development: A Review of Literature (by P Mason). 3) Light Sources for Use in Areas Used for Colour Vision Examination (by A Smith). 4) Managing Relationships: Critical Elements of the Supervisor and Trainee Working Interface (by J Dixon). 5) A Clinical Assessment of the +1.00 Blur Test (by DB Elliott, MJ Cox).

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