Contact lens devices in the management of corneal and ocular surface disease

1 August 2008
Volume 09, Issue 3

A look at some of the wide range of conditions being managed using TCLDs.


In addition to optical indications, contact lens devices have a wide range of therapeutic applications in modern ophthalmology practice (Steele 2002). Optometrists and dispensing opticians working within an ophthalmology setting, either in a hospital clinic or in their practice, will encounter such cases on a regular basis. Such devices may be used to protect injured, diseased or dysfunctional tissue and to aid the return to a more normal anatomical and functional state.

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Related further reading

Find out how to ensure you provide your patients with the best contact lens wearing experience.

Find out how to ensure you provide your patients with the best contact lens wearing experience.

Find out how to ensure you provide your patients with the best contact lens wearing experience.