Databases and reports

A selection of online databases and resources that can support optometric research. 


BiomedCentral or BMC is an open source webpage that aims to produce high-quality and impactful research in biology, health science and medicine. BMC is also an article repository for researchers.

British National Formulary (BNF)/ British National Formulary for Children (BNFC)

BNF reflect current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines relating to the uses of medicine. To view BNFC on the NICE webpages, click on the drop down area on the top right hand side of the page from green to red.

Cochrane Library, The 

The Cochrane Library is considered as the go-to for high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. It includes reliable evidence from Cochrane and other systematic reviews and clinical trials. You will also find a dedicated Eye and Vision category.


CORE is an open access resource to research papers across numerous subject disciplines.


Epistemonikos is a search tool to aid clinical decision-making and health policies.


EThOS is the British Library’s searchable database of dissertations and theses. *This link is currently unavailable

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a freely-accessible search engine. You can gain access to abstracts and full-text research articles to scholarly articles across subject disciplines.


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OpenDOAR is a UK-based, quality-assured directory of grey literature repositories.


OpenGrey is a European open access repository of grey literature in a range of topics.


PROSPERO is an international prospective register of systematic reviews maintained by CRD at the University of York.


PubMed is the freely- available version of Medline – a searchable database of international journal articles and references in the field of clinical and biomedical research dating back to 1966.


ResearchGate provides access to up to 60 Million free articles, in a range of topics, to help you stay up to date with the latest research.


Trip – Turning Research Into Practice is a free search tool to locate high-quality research evidence.

Online image databases

National Eye Institute - searchable and browsable images and videos. Subjects: all ophthalmology

EyeRounds online atlas of ophthalmology University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences - images contributed by physicians and other universities.

Subjects: ocular diseases and conditions

Webvision: the organisation of the retina and visual system. Kolb, Helga et al

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