
Adrian O’Dowd asks how optometrists should respond to a rise in the rate of retinoblastoma in children across Europe.

In each issue, Acuity poses a topical question to a panel of members.

Updates to Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) classification and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on eye strain and dry- eye-related symptoms

College of Optometrists' research has revealed that up to 23%(1) of parents had never taken their children for a sight test

Find out what our Clinical Adviser has to say about a study published by the University of Hong Kong linking COVID-19 restrictions, screen time and myopia in children.

The clinical figures that count.

Eye health issues that are making the news.

Adrian O'Dowd examines how optometrists can prepare for and best handle a backlog of child myopia diagnoses caused by the pandemic.

Dr Louise Terry MCOptom on how her own experience of myopia is informing innovative ways to manage the condition in children.

MHRA agrees with the College view that chloramphenicol eye drops can be safely administered to children aged 0 to 2 years, where antibiotic eye drop treatment is indicated.

We provide advice on protecting the public's vision and eye health this summer. Scroll down for graphics you can use to help share our message.

Podcast: We answer questions there wasn't time to answer during the webinar discussing recent findings from the part College-funded Northern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction (NICER) Study.