

Podcast season


EyePod: The optometry podcast

Our thought-provoking podcasts are a great way to explore your profession and the fascinating world of vision and eye care, discover new ideas and research, and learn from others’ experiences. 

Podcast: Daniel and Martin speak to Principal Optometrist, Denise Voon MCOptom, and Ophthalmologist, Mr Markus Groppe, about their unique AMD Medical Management Pathway.

Podcast: We talk to Elaine Styles optometrist and co-founder of Vision Care for Homeless People about providing eye care to some of the most vulnerable people in society.

Podcast: Daniel talks to Dr Melanie Hingorani FRCOphth, Clinical Lead for Eye Care Restoration and Transformation at NHS England, about the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on referrals.

Podcast: Professor Leon Davies FCOptom, Editor of OiP, and Professor Shahina Pardhan MCOptom, Director of Vision and Eye Research Institute at ARU, discuss the impact of COVID-19 on eye health and eyecare.

Podcast: After his own father was imprisoned, optometrist Tanjit Dosanjh set up a charity to provide eye care and optical training to prisoners.

Podcast: In this episode, Daniel has a fascinating conversation with Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez, aerosol expert and fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA.

Podcast: In this episode of WebinarXtra, Daniel talks to Consultant Ali Yagan following his webinar on common optic neuropathies, where he presented cases on different types of optic neuropathies and optic nerve swelling.

Podcast: We answer questions there wasn't time to answer during the webinar discussing recent findings from the part College-funded Northern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction (NICER) Study.

Podcast: Find out about Dr Joanne Wood's latest research on how “Refractive Blur Affects Judgement of Pedestrian Walking Direction at Night” and our latest campaign - Focus on Life.

Podcast: Daniel talks to Michelle Hanratty MCOptom Dip Tp(IP) on how to decide what is best for your patient.

Podcast: Martin discusses eye-related issues to look out for in newborns with Dr Gill Adams and Daniel speaks with Mental Health Counsellor, David Beeney.

Podcast: We ask Dr Rowan Candy questions there wasn't time to cover during her keynote lecture on young children who are at risk for strabismus and amblyopia.

Podcast: In this episode of WebinarXtra, Daniel catches up with Dr Benjamin Wakerley to answer questions there just wasn't time to cover during the live event.

Podcast: Dr Dan Rosser MCOptom answers questions there wasn't time to cover during his live webinar on two common laser interventions for glaucoma and related conditions.

Podcast: We ask Rhys Harrison all those questions there wasn't time to cover during his live webinar on how optometrists can identify patients requiring urgent referral.