Tech news - autumn 2023

1 November 2023
Autumn 2023

A glance at what’s happening in the world of technology.

© Science Photo Library

1. Corticosteroid treatment for uveitic macular oedema shows promise

A clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of three different intravitreal treatments for persistent or recurrent uveitic macular oedema found that dexamethasone was significantly better at treating the condition.

Researchers looked at 225 eyes in 194 patients with minimally active or inactive uveitis and persistent or recurrent uveitic macular oedema in one or both eyes. Patients at 33 clinical centres across the US, UK, Australia and India each received one of three therapies: dexamethasone implant, methotrexate or ranibizumab.

At 12 weeks, dexamethasone was found to be significantly better at treating persistent or recurrent macular oedema, giving a 35% reduction in central subfield thickness compared with 22% for ranibizumab and 11% for methotrexate.

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Related further reading

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