Complete issue, OiP, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2010, various authors

1 February 2010
Volume 11, Issue 1

Articles cover decontamination, how patients make choices, refractive surgery,referral behaviour, optometric management of AMD.


Articles: 1) Decontamination (by Roger J Buckley). 2) How Patients Make Choices (by Gill Robinson and Mark Draper). 3) Refractive Surgery: Optometric Considerations (by Christa L Gore). 4) Referral Behaviour Among Optometrists (by Dave Edgar, Tina Romanay, John Lawrenson and Joy Myint). 5) Optometric Management of Age-related Macular Degeneration (by Rosalind Creer, Jeremy Parkes, Stephen Charles and Robert Harper).

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