A case report demonstrating the use of customised reduced-aperture spectacles in a patient with...

1 February 2007
Volume 08, Issue 1

Innovative help for a patient with retinitis pigmentosa suffering from disability and discomfort glare.


Glare is a sense of excessive brightness within the visual field causing discomfort (discomfort glare) and/or reduced visual performance (disability glare) (Millodot 1993). Clinical experience suggests that patients often experience both forms of glare simultaneously. 

An essential part of low-vision rehabilitation is the management of glare and tinted lenses are often prescribed for this purpose (Eperjesi et al. 2002). Other solutions typically used by the low-vision practitioner include modification of the environment, side shields, typoscopes and hats with brims. These solutions often lead to significant subjective relief of symptoms; however, few studies have been able to corroborate these subjective findings definitively with clinical measures of visual performance (Wolffsohn et al. 2002). 

This article describes the design and effectiveness of a novel aid for the management of disability and discomfort glare.

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