Contact lenses

Many contact lens wearers reduced their usage during the pandemic, writes Nick Warburton, and opportunities to fit new lenses were restricted. Optometrists have adapted their support, but is it enough to stop drop-outs?

As society continues to open up, the Optometry in Practice editorial board thought it opportune to reflect on the experiences of the pandemic to date and assess the impact on both eyecare professionals and our patients.

This study investigates the opinions of contact lens practitioners at the end of lockdown about the changes they implemented.

Clinical files: Can I supply contact lenses to an expired specification when a person is anxious about visiting the ophthalmic practice due to COVID-19?

We provide advice on protecting the public's vision and eye health this summer. Scroll down for graphics you can use to help share our message.

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Here we summarise three research papers from a recent issue of Optometry in Practice.

Daniel Hardiman-McCartney FCOptom, Clinical Adviser for the College, on the vital importance of professional judgement.

A glance at what’s happening in the world of technology.

This article discusses the reasons why compliance matters, factors that influence and the consequences of poor compliance.