A College-accredited higher qualification will equip you for new challenges and responsibilities, and support your continuing professional development and career progression.
In response to requests from our Members, the College has designed a sample contact lens specification form which Members may like to use for their patients.
Clinical files: How do I improve my conversion rate in clinic as a locum?
An online dedicated therapeutics peer review session for College members who are qualified independent prescribers or studying for an IP qualification.
Find out how to ensure you provide your patients with the best contact lens wearing experience.
ADVERTISEMENT: Find out how Johnson & Johnson are taking care of the planet, while still demanding excellence in vision and comfort from their contact lenses.
ADVERTISEMENT: Kate Stockwell, Head of Marketing – Vision Care at Johnson & Johnson explains the company’s commitment to creating a world where vision is made possible for everyone.
Patients will be paid £25 per session and all travel expenses will be reimbursed.