Contact lenses

This BCLA evidence-based research session will showcase the outcomes of some of the best clinical research in the area of anterior eye and contact lenses.

This session will explore soft custom contact lenses and includes a practical element.

This discussion workshop aims to address the unique demands of the ageing population in comparison to conventional patients seeking assistance from ECP's.

This session will provide an overview as to when and how contact lenses can be used in the management of ocular pathology.

This BCLA session will detail evidence-based recommendations for various aspects of anterior eye and contact lens clinical practice.

This workshop will briefly outline the theory and application of scleral and hybrid contact lenses and their place in the continuum of contact lens care for those with irregular corneas.

This workshop will briefly outline the principles underpinning corneal RGP fitting in keratoconus followed by a practical focus on how to achieve an optimal fit.

This workshop will discuss the EDOF optics of multifocal designs and then demonstrate how to successfully fit a design using patented catenary optics.

This lecture looks at data evaluating the myopia progression of children and young adults in studies wearing commercially available, soft multifocal contact lens designs.

This lecture will question traditional thinking regarding methods used to improve the fit of a scleral lens and will share case study examples.

This fast-paced, station-based discussion workshop will task practitioners to uncover some of the key factors influencing true contact lens wearer satisfaction.

Work with your teammates to tackle questions designed to test your trivia, upgrade your facts, and enhance your multifocal contact lens troubleshooting skills.