


Clinical files

Clinical Files: My practice offers overlays and tinted lenses for visual stress. How can I publicise the service and can I claim it is a treatment for dyslexia?

Clinical Files: What steps should I take to ensure my practice remains open to provide eye care safely and protect my staff, while we are in the green phase?

Clinical Files: What can I do to make a sight test as accessible as I can to an autistic child?

Clinical Files: Is it sufficient to undertake non-invasive measures of anterior chamber depth to determine whether my patient is a primary angle closure suspect?

Clinical Files: Do I need to offer patients a choice every time I make a referral?

Clinical Files: Do I have to complete a new sight test, even though they are within their recall period?

Clinical Files: Do I need to complete a new eye examination every time I complete a report or occupational form?

Clinical files: As an IP optometrist can I prescribe medicine is not listed in the College’s Optometrists Formulary?

Clinical files: Should I refuse to provide ongoing care to a person who has poor contact lens compliance?

Clinical files: A patient has made an offensive comment to an optometrist colleague, am I now obliged to see them for their sight test?

Clinical files: Should I perform a dilated assessment on a person during pregnancy?

Clinical files: As a non-prescribing optometrist how can I supply chloramphenicol to my patient for prophylaxis?