How would you manage a patient you had referred who said they had not been seen?

14 November 2022
Autumn 2022

In each issue, Acuity poses a topical question to a panel of members.

David Elks MCOptom

Ophthalmic optician, David Elks Opticians, Derbyshire

I would check the referral had been received and re-refer if required. But in some cases post-COVID, delays have meant the patient cannot have the treatment at all because of ill health, while in others there is a long wait for treatment. In such circumstances, the latest prescription may need to be reissued, as long as the patient appreciates it may need to be changed post-treatment. A good reading light and text in a larger font is a good temporary solution if new spectacles are not prescribed. If treatment is not possible, stronger reading additions utilising a shorter working distance and good lighting can help patients on a more permanent basis.

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Related further reading

Should you re-examine a patient you have recently referred if their symptoms worsen?

How would you deal with a patient who does not want to be referred?

A review of the implementation of NICE guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic open-angle glaucoma (COAG) and ocular hypertension (OHT) in England and Wales.