Presentation and management of neovascular AMD and subretinal haemorrhaging

30 July 2021
Summer 2021

Himali Shah MCOptom Prof Cert Med Ret, Resident Optometrist at Asda Opticians Coventry, on a diabetic patient who suffered reduced visual acuity after cataract surgery.

Patient history

An 84-year-old man had initially presented for an eye examination in January 2021. His previous eye examination had been undertaken elsewhere in July 2020. He was concerned about his vision and wondered if any more could be done to improve his near visual acuity (VA). He has been a type 2 diabetic for a number of years, controlled with medication, although he was unable to provide me with any further information. He informed me that he has been under the hospital eye service (HES) for at least five years, and had been treated with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) medication for bilateral neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). He was unsure of the time of his last injection but was aware that nothing more could be done for his right eye (RE); however, he was hopeful that VA in his left eye (LE) could be improved with new spectacles or even potentially cataract surgery. He was last seen at the macular clinic in September 2020 and was waiting to be called back for his next review.

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