Reasonable adjustments
Who can apply for reasonable adjustments?
If you have a specific disability which you feel could disadvantage you when taking one of the following assessments, you can request reasonable adjustments in accordance with the Equality Act (2010):
- Scheme for Registration assessments
- Therapeutics Common Final Assessment (Independent Prescribing) assessments
We can only make adjustments to the assessment arrangements and not the standard of the assessment.
You will need to provide evidence from a qualified professional in support of your request. This evidence must be from a UK-based and suitably qualified professional and needs to be written in English and dated after your 18th birthday. The evidence should make reference to the Scheme for Registration assessments or Therapeutics Common Final Assessment (Independent Prescribing) and clearly set out:
- the nature of your disability
- how this affects your ability to complete assessments
- the reasonable adjustments you are requesting and how these reasonable adjustments will support you to sit the assessment
Temporary circumstances that might affect your performance in the assessment, such as illness, pregnancy or bereavement, will not be taken into account, as in these cases we would expect you to cancel and book a later assessment. In cases where this causes a significant delay to your time on the Scheme, you may be able to apply for an extension to your time via the My College area.
As well as requesting reasonable adjustments for assessments on the Scheme for Registration, we advise you to talk to your employer / placement provider about any reasonable adjustments you may require in your place of work.
Retinoscopy and ophthalmoscopy
You do not have to apply for reasonable adjustments if you wish to use a modified technique for performing retinoscopy in the work-based assessments or OSCE. However, you must ensure you are using an appropriate alternative technique for retinoscopy if you have reduced acuity, eg amblyopia.
You do have to apply for reasonable adjustments if you need to use a panoptic indirect ophthalmoscope in your work based assessments or OSCE. You should include an up to date spectacle prescription, dated and signed by a registered optometrist, including visual acuities as evidence.
Apply for reasonable adjustments
All reasonable adjustments should be requested and viewed via the My College area. This allows trainees and candidates to see what they have requested, and what has been approved or declined.
We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email and will contact you about the application within seven working days.
If you are just starting the Scheme, or applying for the Therapeutics Common Final Assessment (Independent Prescribing), submit the form as close to your enrolment/application as possible to ensure you receive reasonable adjustments for all assessments. The form must be submitted at least six weeks before any assessment. Late submission may reduce the likelihood of reasonable adjustments being granted in time.