Search results for Knowledge, skills and performance

Examine, manage, record

Should you supply contact lenses that take the patient beyond her regular check-up date?

Your patient wants you to make up spectacles from a four year old prescription. What should you do?

Can you refuse to see a patient who keeps taking his prescription elsewhere?

Your practice supplies glasses based on a prescription from another practice. What do you do if your patient is having problems seeing with them?

How frequently you should you carry out regular eye examinations on a patient with glaucoma?

Should you make up specs to an overseas prescription?

After examining her eyes you find that your patient's cataracts are getting worse. But she is happy with her current prescription. What do you prescribe?

You think your patient needs bifocal/varifocal spectacles for your patient but he is insisting on monovision lenses. What do you prescribe?

What should you do if your patient fails to attend a follow up appointment?

Should you give a contact lens prescription to a relative if the patient is unable to attend your practice?

Guidance for optometrists on examining patience who drive.

When should you routinely recall diabetic patients?

Can you insist that NHS patients pay for an OCT scan?


Maajid is a locum who's taken on a new role at a practice where a vital piece of equipment is not working and will not be replaced for several months. What should he do?

Your patient's cornea is slightly injured during a sight test. What should you do?

A patient wants to purchase a pair of spectacles using a prescription generated from an overseas app on his smartphone. What would you do?

Guidance for optometrists on examining patients with dementia or other acquired cognitive impairment.